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- Odoo Version: 16.0 (Enterprise)

- Module: Accounting - GSTR Returns Filing for a Period

Business Requirement:

Need to see the following data in GSTR Returns Period report

- (A) 3. All Other ITC For CGST and SGST

- (B) InEligible ITC

Use Cases:

While running GSTR Returns period report with GSTR 3B, We can able to See IGST data in All Other ITC section. But CGST and SGST data not shown under this section. Not sure why this is not showing

While running GSTR Returns Period report with GSTR 3B , we cannot able to see Ineligible ITC data eventhough transactions exist for Ineligible Taxes for ITC. Not sure why this is not showing under this section. Any other configuration required to see these data value?


1. Is there any configuration required in Odoo 16EE to handle this?

2. If not, what would be the recommended approach to verify this?

Any guidance on verifying this feature would be greatly appreciated. Technical implementation details or pointers to similar solutions would be helpful.

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Hi Nikhil,

Thanks for your detailed Info

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Hi Tenth Planet,

1.  Is there any configuration required in Odoo 16EE to handle this?

Yes, Odoo Version: 16.0 (Enterprise) default configuration:

Below points you need to make sure:

(B) Ineligible ITC

  (1) As per section 17(5) of CGST/SGST Act

If you need to here show amount related CGST, SGST, IGST or Base you need first understand Odoo account Tax grids like below image.

In Your GSTR-3B report check below screenshot.

Based on this condition all tax amount coming on this Taxes here i expalin 

In_invoice = Vendor Bill

All Tax grids you can find in above screenshot condition through

Accounting -> Configurations -> Taxes

You can see here sale/purchase both taxes you need to group by Tax Type

Based on any purchase tax open you use in your Vendor bills and Purchase order. lets say example i am use this tax in my vendor bill like below steps:

we use above tax grids is based on this condition

28 id is (NON ITC SGST)

based on on this tax configutation i create vendor bill so first you need to check journal items

we apply this bill in this product add this tax and based on you need to check journal items first in vendor bill

Now Post your vendor bill and check GSTR-3B report section:

I am showing this is for SGST if you need to configure othor condition then your amount also comig in  CGST and IGST and CESS.

Now we disscuss this,

(2) Others

In GSTR-3B report in indian Accounting

we have configurations on our last SGST tax in add Othors NON grid add.

based on below screenshot

Now we create bill and check journal items:

After post the Vendor bill and check GSTR-3B report you can see below screenshot:


If your old Vendor bill then you need to first set Tax grids in your Taxes and after your all journal entry reset to Draft and and then post.

Thanks & Regards

Odoo Accounting Expert | Indian Accounting | UK Accounting | USA Accounting | CANADA Accounting | Germany Accounting

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