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Plan for the worst,
hope for the best

Odoo Planning simplifies your scheduling and boosts productivity. Seamlessly manage shifts and resources, and empower your employees for efficient coordination.

Začnite teraz - zadarmo
Zadarmo, navždy, s neobmedzeným počtom užívateľov. Pozrite sa prečo

Step up your scheduling game

Visualize and optimize your schedule. Gain clarity and efficiency with a stunning Gantt chart tool. Templates, auto-planning, and recurrent tasks simplify your agenda management.

Planning - Shift scheduling modal Allocation of hours (remaining hours)
We Gantt wait for you to see this

Cover my shift?

Control your planning. Create shifts and (re)assign them effortlessly using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. With the collaboration options, allow everyone on the team to see open shifts and switch them among one another.

Odoo Planning - Shift swapping modal

Všetky funkcie
urobené správne.

Otvorené smeny

Nechajte posuny nepriradené a priraďte ich jednoduchým presunutím myšou.

Vyhnutie sa konfliktom

Get a warning if multiple shifts are scheduled simultaneously for an employee.


Manage all shifts by organizing them by role, by employee or by project.

Analýza kontingenčnej tabuľky

Vytvorte rozšírené kontingenčné tabuľky a exportujte údaje do súborov .xls a otvorte ich v inom softvéri.

Zobraziť všetky funkcie
Pridajte sa k 12 miliónom užívateľov
ktorí rozvíjajú svoje podnikanie s Odoo

Odoo improved resource management, making planning and invoicing more efficient, enhancing communication and collaboration.

Gatien Laloux picture
Gatien Laloux

svoj rastový potenciál

Začnite teraz - zadarmo Bez potreby kreditnej karty
Voľný prístup