How we protect your privacy

on and when you use our services

Odoo SA and its affiliates offer many services to help you run your business, including a platform to host your own Odoo database. As part of running those services we collect data about you and your business. This data is not only essential to run our services, but also critical for the safety of our services and all our users.
This policy explains what information is collected, why it is collected, and how we use it.

Information we collect

Most of the personal data we collect is directly provided by our users when they register and use our services. Other data is collected by recording interactions with our services.

Hesap ve İletişim Verileri: Ürünlerimizden birini kullanmak veya indirmek ya da hizmetlerimizden birine (Odoo Online, Ücretsiz Deneme, Odoo Uygulamaları,, vb.) abone olmak için web sitemize kaydolduğunuzda veya iletişim formlarımızdan birini doldurduğunuzda, gönüllü olarak bize belirli bilgiler verirsiniz. Bu bilgiler genellikle adınız, şirketinizin adı, e-posta adresiniz ve bazı durumlarda telefon numaranız, posta adresiniz (fatura veya teslimat gerektiren konular için), sektörünüz ve Odoo kullanmayı düşünme sebebiniz ve ayrıca kişisel bir şifredenoluşur.
Müşterilerimizin kredi kartı bilgilerini asla kaydedip saklamıyoruz ve bu konuda her zaman güvenilir üçüncü taraflar ile çalışıyoruz. PCI-DSS-compliant payment processors for credit card processing, including for recurring payment processing.

Job Application Data: When you apply for a job on our website or via an employment agency, we usually collect your contact information (name, email, phone) and any information you choose to share with us in your introduction letter and Curriculum Vitae. If we decide to send you a job proposition, we will also ask you to provide extra personal details as required to fulfill our legal obligations and personnel management requirements.
We will not ask you to provide information that is not necessary for the recruitment process. In particular, we will never collect any information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership or sexual life.

Tarayıcı Verileri: When you visit our website and access our online services, we detect and store your browser language and geolocation in order to customize your experience according to your country and preferred language. Our servers also passively record a summary of the information sent by your browser for statistical, security and legal purposes: your IP address, the time and date of your visit and the page or resource you are accessing, your browser version and platform, and the web page that referred you to our website.
Your browser may also be used to store and retrieved your current session data, with the help of a session cookie (see also the Cookie section for more details).

Form protection: some forms on our website may be protected by Google reCAPTCHA. This technology relies on heuristics that are based on technical characteristics of your browser and device, and may also use specific Google cookies. See also Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in the Third Party Service Providers section below.

Customer Databases: When you subscribe to an Odoo Cloud service and create your own Odoo database (for example by starting a Free Trial), any information or content you submit or upload into your database is your own, and you control it fully.
Similarly, when you upload an on-premises database to the Odoo Upgrade website, you own the data in it.
This data will often include personal information, for example: your list of employees, your contacts and customers, your messages, pictures, videos, etc. We only ever collect this information on your behalf, and you always retain ownership and full control on this data.

Ücretsiz Deneme Oturumu Kaydı: Odoo Bulut hizmetimizde ücretsiz bir deneme başlattığınızda, kullanıcı deneyimini geliştirebilmemiz amacıyla ücretsiz deneme oturumunuzun başlangıç kısmının kaydedilmesine izin vermeniz için bir seçenekle karşılaşabilirsiniz.
Onay vermeniz halinde, toplanan bilgiler ücretsiz denemenizin ilk 2 saati boyunca ekranda görünenleri ve uygulamalarımızla olan etkileşimlerinizi (nereye tıkladığınız, hangi menüyü açtığınız vb.) içerir. Bu veriler, Kullanıcı Deneyimi uzmanlarımızın sınırlı bir süre için izleyebileceği bir video şeklinde birleştirilir.
Bu video kayıt süresi boyunca veritabanınıza girdiğiniz sahi bilgilere bağlı olarak muhtemelen isimler, e-postalar, telefon numaraları, resimler gibi bazı kişisel verileri içerecektir. Parola alanları ve diğer hassas alanlar otomatik olarak kaydın dışında tutulur, ancak nereye yazdığınıza bağlı olarak bazı hassas bilgilerin kaydedilme olasılığını tamamen ortadan kaldıramamaktayız.
Bu Politikanın diğer bölümleri, şunları açıklar:

If you do not consent or if we do not offer you the option to opt-in, your trial session will not be recorded and no data will be collected for this purpose. Hesap Verileri:Odoo.SH platformuna abone olup projenizi oluşturduğunuzda, platform, hesabınıza ve daha sonra proje havuzunuzun içeriğine erişim sağlayan bir açık yetkilendirme (OAuth) belirteci içeren hesabınıza erişmek için yetkilendirmeye ihtiyaç duyar.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Transaction Data: When you use Odoo on the Odoo Cloud or on your own self-hosted deployments, some optional "In-App Purchase" services may be active by default. This typically includes auto-completion features to help you quickly input client and supplier info, as well as integration with third-party service providers for sending and receiving SMS, paper letters, etc.
When you use these services, with our without payment, some necessary transaction data is transmitted to Odoo Cloud services and have to be communicated to third-party services for the purpose of executing the service. You can find the detailed privacy policy for each service on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

The IAP services are always optional, even when enabled by default, and the IAP Privacy Policy also explains how you can opt-out of those services.

How we use this information

Hesap ve İletişim Verileri: İletişim bilgilerinizi hizmetlerimizi sunmak, taleplerinizi yanıtlamak ve faturalandırma ve hesap yönetimi amaçlarıyla kullanırız. Bu bilgileri ayrıca pazarlama ve iletişim amacıyla da kullanabiliriz (pazarlama mesajlarımızda mutlaka listeden çıkma seçeneği sunulur). Bu verileri ayrıca hizmet eğilimlerini analiz etmek için toplu/anonimleştirilmiş biçimde kullanırız.
Web sitemizde yayımlanan bir etkinliğe katılmak için kayıt yaptırdıysanız, adınızı, e-posta adresinizi, telefon numaranızı ve çalıştığınız şirketihem doğrudan pazarlama amacıyla hem de etkinliğin hazırlıklarını ve rezervasyonunu kolaylaştırmak için yerel organizatörümüze ve etkinliğin sponsorlarına aktarabiliriz.
Odoo'yu kullanmakla ilgilendiğinizi belirttiyseniz veya başka bir şekilde bir Odoo hizmet sağlayıcısı tarafından iletişime geçilmesini istediyseniz, adınızı, e-posta adresinizi, telefon numaranızı ve çalıştığınız şirketi aktarabiliriz Partnerler in your country or region, for the purpose of contacting you to offer their local assistance and services.

İş Başvurusu Verileri:Bu bilgileri yalnızca işe alım sürecimiz için başvurunuzu değerlendirmek ve takip etmek amacıyla ve size bir iş teklifinde bulunmaya karar vermemiz durumunda sözleşmenizi hazırlarken işleyeceğiz. Bilgilerinizin silinmesini talep etmek için dilediğiniz zaman bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Tarayıcı Verileri: Otomatik olarak kaydedilen bu veriler, hizmetlerimizi sürdürmek ve geliştirmek için anonim olarak analiz edilir. Hizmetlerimizin kötüye kullanılmasını önlemek için güvenlik amacıyla Google reCAPTCHA da kullanılabilir. Bu durumda, yalnızca reCAPTCHA'nın tarayıcınıza ve cihazınıza göre belirlediği anonim puanı işleriz.
Bu verileri yalnızca yasalar gerektirdiğinde veya güvenlik amacıyla kişisel verilerinizle ilişkilendireceğiz, ihlal etmeniz durumunda Acceptable Use Policy.

Customer Database: We only collect and process this data on your behalf, in order to perform the services you have subscribed to, and based on the instructions you explicitly gave when you registered or configured your service and your Odoo database.
Our Helpdesk staff and engineers may access this information in a limited and reasonable manner in order to solve any issue with our services, or at your explicit request for support reasons, or as required by law, or to ensure the security of our services in case of violation of our Acceptable Use Policy in order to keep our services secure.

Free Trial Session Recording: The purpose of these recordings is to improve our products: they will be seen and analysed solely by our R&D Usability team, who will treat your data as strictly confidential information. By watching the recordings they will be able to see a tangible representation of a user’s first steps into Odoo and improve the User Experience accordingly.
The recordings are processed and stored with tools provided by FullStory (cf. our list of service providers), sıkı gizlilik şartları altında.
Bu Politikanın diğer bölümlerinde şunlar açıklanmaktadır : Account Data: During the configuration phase of your Odoo.SH project, the platform uses your OAuth token to setup the project you will use for Odoo.SH, including the necessary web hooks and deployment key to allow Odoo.SH to detect every commit you push to your project repository. The OAuth token is not stored and is deleted as soon as you close your Odoo.SH session, or after 2 days.
The contents of your project repository is stored as long as your Odoo.SH subscription is active in order to provide the service itself.
Our Helpdesk staff and engineers may access this information in a limited and reasonable manner in order to solve any issue with our services, or at your explicit request for support reasons, or as required by law, or to ensure the security of our services in case of violation of our Acceptable Use Policy in order to keep our services secure.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Transaction Data: You can find the detailed privacy policy for each service on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

Accessing Your Data

Accessing, Updating or Deleting Your Personal Information

Hesap ve İletişim Verileri: Daha önce bize sağladığınız kişisel verilere erişme ve bunları güncelleme hakkına sahipsiniz.'daki kişisel hesabınıza bağlanarak bunu istediğiniz zaman yapabilirsiniz. Meşru bir amaç için hesabınızı veya kişisel bilgilerinizi kalıcı olarak silmek istemeniz durumunda lütfen iletişime geçin: Yardım Masası to request so. We will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete your personal information, except when we are required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration, billing and tax reporting reasons).

İş Başvurusu Verileri:Başvuru bilgilerinize erişim, bilgileri güncelleme veya silme talebinde bulunmak için dilediğiniz zaman bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmanın en kolay yolu, İnsan Kaynakları personelimizle yaptığınız yazışmaların sonuncusunu yanıtlamaktır.

Customer Database:You can manage any data collected in your databases hosted on at any time, using your administration credentials, including modifying or deleting any personal data stored therein.
At any time you can export a complete backup of your database via our control panel, in order to transfer it, or to manage your own backups/archive. You are responsible for processing this data in compliance with all privacy regulations.
You may also request the deletion of your entire database via your control panel, at any time.
When you use the Odoo Database Upgrade service, your data is automatically deleted after your upgrade was successfully completed, and may also be deleted upon request from you.

Ücretsiz Deneme Oturumu Kaydı: Deneme oturumunuzun kaydına erişim veya kaydın silinmesini talep etmek için dilediğiniz zaman bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz (aşağıdaki iletişim bilgilerine bakın). Lütfen veri tabanınızın adını veya URL'ini eklemeyi unutmayın (örn. kaydınızı almamıza izin vermek için. Kayıtlar 2 ay sonra otomatik olarak imha edilir, bu nedenle denemeniz daha eskiyse veriler artık mevcut değildir.
Bu Politikanın diğer bölümlerinde şunlar açıklanmaktadır : Account Data: You can view and manage the project repository data collected from your account directly on Odoo.SH.
You may request the deletion of this information via your control panel on Odoo.SH, at any time.
You can also request the deletion of your OAuth token by simply logging out from Odoo.SH.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Transaction Data: You can find the detailed privacy policy for each service on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

Safety Retention Period: we retain a copy of your data in our backups for safety reasons, even after they are destroyed from our live systems. See Data Retention for more details.


We realize how important and sensitive your personal data is, and we take a great number of measures to ensure that this information is securely processed, stored and preserved from data loss and unauthorized access. Our technical, administrative and organizational security measures are described in details in our Security Policy.

Third Party Service Providers / Subprocessors

In order to support our operations we rely on several Service Providers. They help us with various services such as payment processing, web audience analysis, cloud hosting, marketing and communication, etc.

Whenever we share data with these Service Providers, we make sure that they use it in compliance with Data Protection legislation, and that the processing they carry out for us is limited to our specific purpose and covered by a specific data processing contract.

Below is a list of the Service Providers we are currently using, why we use them, and what kind of data we share with them.

In-App Purchase (IAP): The list of third-party service providers for each IAP service is available on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

A. Subprocessors

These third-party service providers are processing data for which Odoo is Controller or Processor, on behalf of Odoo.

Important: due to the great variability in resources and services provided by these subprocessors, Odoo Customers cannot select the subprocessor that will be used to process their data. They can however choose their main hosting region (see the Data Location section).

Subprocessors Purpose Shared Data
Privacy & Security
Infrastructure and hosting of (production + backups), Odoo SaaS (production + backups), Odoo.SH (backups), DDOS Protection. Currently hosted by OVHCloud: Production data from and its affiliate services, including Odoo Online (SaaS) Customer Databases, and the Odoo Database Upgrade services, including Customer databases currently being upgraded; Backup data for all Odoo cloud services.
Data Center Certifications: ISO 27001, SOC 1 TYPE II, SOC 2 TYPE II, PCI-DSS, CISPE, SecNumCloud, CSA STAR.
Google Cloud EMEA Ltd
Privacy & Security
Infrastructure and hosting of (production + backups), Odoo SaaS (production + backups), Odoo.SH (production + backups), DDOS Protection. Currently hosted by Google: Production data from and its affiliate services, including Odoo Online (SaaS) and Odoo.SH (PaaS) Customer Databases and the Odoo Database Upgrade services, including Customer databases currently being upgraded; Backup data for all Odoo cloud services.
Data Center Certifications: ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC3, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, CISPE, CSA STAR .
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Privacy & Security
Infrastructure and hosting (legacy) Currently hosted by AWS: The Odoo Database Upgrade services for Customer Databases that are uploaded on the legacy web-based upgrade platform, veya özel komut dosyalarıyla eski platformda başlatılmış olan, ullanım ömrü sonuna ulaşmış OpenERP v6.1 sürümünden başlatılan işlemler. Komut satırı betiği veya yeni web tabanlı form ile başlatılan daha yeni yükseltmeler AWS üzerinde işlenmez.
Data Center Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC3, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, CISPE, CSA STAR
Security & Privacy
Cookie Policy
Temporary free trial recordings for users who consent to the UX improvement program. Shared with FullStory: video-like recording of your screen during the first 2h of your free trial session + FullStory cookie.

B. Third-party Processors and Controllers

These third-party service providers are processing data for which Odoo is a Controller, as Processors, on behalf of Odoo, or they are receiving such data as Controllers, for the specific purpose of performing the services they have been contracted to provide.

Service Provider Purpose Shared Data
PCIPrivacy & Security
Payment processing on Shared with Paypal: Order details (amount, description, reference), Customer name and email.
Only stored by Paypal: credit card info.
Ingenico Payment Services
Payment processing on Shared with Ingenico:Order details (amount, description, reference), Customer name and email.
Only stored by Ingenico: credit card info.
PCIPrivacy & Security
Payment processing on Shared with Stripe: Order details (amount, description, reference), Customer name and email.
Only stored by Stripe: credit card info.
Payment processing on Shared with Adyen: Order details (amount, description, reference), Customer name and email.
Only stored by Adyen: credit card info.
Privacy & Security
In-browser push notifications for visitors. Shared with OneSignal: Non-personal browser data, geolocation info, language (no identifiable information).
Only stored by OneSignal: browser/mobile device IDs.
Google Tag Manager
Gizlilik ve ŞartlarTypes of cookies
Website audience analysis.
Shared with Google: Ads Campaign Data, Browser data, visited pages.
Google reCAPTCHA
Privacy & Security
Form protection. Used by Google reCAPTCHA: Browser and device characteristics, Google cookies.
Acuity Scheduling
Privacy & Security
Scheduling of demo/meeting on Shared with Acuity: Any personal info entered by the user in the scheduling form: name and contact info, reason for request, etc.
Privacy & Security
Retrieval of business info for prospection reasons. Retrieved from Clearbit for visitors coming from EU companies: name, sector, est. size, est. revenue, website, social media and general contact info.
Retrieved from Clearbit for visitors coming from non-EU companies: same as for EU companies, plus contact info for company executives, if known.
Security & PrivacyCookie Policy
Distributed caching of static resources and images of Used by CloudFlare: Browser and device characteristics, CloudFlare cookies.

Data Retention

Hesap ve Kişi Verileri: Bu tür verileri herhangi bir yasal saklama süresi de dahil olmak üzere bu politikada belirtildiği gibi, yalnızca toplanma amacı açısından veya ürünlerimizin ve hizmetlerimizin meşru ve makul bir tanıtımını yapmak için gerekli olduğu sürece saklayacağız.

İş Başvurusu Verileri:Sizi işe almazsak, özellikle belirtmediğiniz sürece ortaya çıkabilecek yeni bir iş teklifi için sizinle tekrar iletişime geçebilmek amacıyla verdiğiniz bilgileri 3 yıla kadar saklayabiliriz. Sizi işe alırsak, kişisel bilgileriniz bizimle olan iş sözleşmeniz süresince ve sonrasında, sizi işe aldığımız ülkede geçerli olan yasal saklama süresi boyunca saklanacaktır.

Tarayıcı Verileri: bu verileri, hizmetlerimizin güvenliği veya performansıyla ilgili meşru bir endişemiz olması veya hukuki gereklilikler nedeniyle saklamamız gerekmedikçe, en fazla 12 ay boyunca saklayabiliriz. Sunucu taraflı herhangi bir oturum bilgisi, aktif olarak kullanılmasının sona ermesinden en fazla 7 gün sonra silinir.

Server & Security Logs: we retain those logs for a maximum of 12 months, unless we need to keep them in relation with a legitimate concern related to the security or performance of our services, or as required by law.

Müşteri Veri Tabanı: bu verileri yalnızca abone olduğunuz hizmetleri sağlamak için gerekli olduğu sürece saklayacağız. Odoo Bulut'ta barındırılan veri tabanlarında hizmeti iptal ederseniz veri tabanınız 3 hafta boyunca pasif halde bekletilir (fikrinizi değiştirebileceğiniz ödemesiz süre) ve ardından imha edilir. Odoo Veri tabanı Yükseltme web sitesine yüklenen veri tabanlarında ise veri tabanınız son başarılı yükseltmeden sonra 4 aya kadar saklanır ve talep üzerine daha erken silinebilir.

Ücretsiz Deneme Oturumu Kaydı: Kayıtlar 2 ay sonra otomatik olarak silinir ve işlendikten veya konu dışı olarak değerlendirildikten sonra ya da talep üzerine daha erken silinebilir. Hesap Verileri: 2 gün içinde veya Odoo.SH'den çıkış yaptığınız anda silinen açık yetkilendirme (OAuth) belirteci hariç, bu verileri Odoo.SH aboneliğiniz aktif olduğu sürece saklarız.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Transaction Data:You can find the detailed privacy policy for each service on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

Safety Retention Period: As part of our Security Policy, kazara veya kötü niyetli silme işlemlerine karşı her zaman verilerinizi korumaya çalışıyoruz. Bu nedenle, talebiniz üzerine kişisel bilgilerinizi (Hesap ve İletişim Verileri) veri tabanımızdan sildiğimizde, ya da kendi veri tabanınızdaki herhangi bir kişisel bilgiyi (Müşteri Veri tabanı) sildiğinizde veya tüm veri tabanınızı sildiğinizde, bu bilgiler yedekleme sistemlerimizden hemen silinmez. Yedekleme sistemlerimiz güvenli ve değiştirilemez durumdadır. Kişisel veriler bu yedeklerde otomatik olarak imha edilene kadar 12 aya kadar saklanabilir.
Bu yedek kopyalarını, sizden ya da yasadan gelen bir gereklilik olmadıkça, yalnızca yedeklerimizin bütünlüğünü korumak amacıyla kullanmamayı taahhüt ediyoruz.

Physical Data Location / Data Transfers

Hosting Services

Hosting Locations: customer databases are hosted in the Odoo Cloud Region closest to where they are based, and can request a change of region (subject to availability):

  • Americas: Canada , United States
  • Europe: France , Belgium
  • Asia & Pacific: Singapur, Tayvan
  • Middle East & Southern Asia: India, Saudi Arabia
  • Oceania: Avustralya

Yedekleme Konumları: Acil Kurtarma hedeflerimiz çerçevesinde yedekler birden fazla kıtada çoğaltılır ve orijinal barındırma bölgesinden bağımsız olarak aşağıda listelenen ülkelerde saklanır:

  • Canada
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
Note: it is not possible to choose or restrict the backup locations, backups are replicated on at least 3 of these locations. Hosting data only within EU is not supported.

For more details regarding our hosting services, see our Cloud Hosting SLA.

Odoo Database Upgrade Locations: Customer databases are upgraded on their current hosting locations (see above) or on an upgrade server located in France or Belgium .

: For customers concerned about EU data protection regulations, countries with a sign in the above lists are in EU or currently subject to an adequacy decision from EU authorities.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Transaction Data: You can find the detailed privacy policy for each service on the IAP Privacy Policy sayfa.

Free Trial Session Recording: The recording data is processed by FullStory (see our Hizmet Sağlayıcıları) Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde bulunan Google Cloud veri merkezlerinde. Bir hatırlatma olarak, bu veriler yalnızca if you opt-in and is only kept for a very limited time.

International Staff
In some cases, the personal data mentioned in this Privacy Policy may be accessed by staff members of Odoo SA subsidiaries in other countries. Such access will always be done for the same purposes and with the same privacy and security precautions as if it was done by our own local staff, so all the guarantees we provide still apply.
We use EU Standard Contractual Clauses to bind our subsidiaries in a way that offers sufficient safeguards on data protection for the limited and temporary data transfers that occur for such access.

Third Party Disclosure

Except as explicitly mentioned above, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties. SMS/text messaging opt-in is excluded from any data transfer covered above. We may share or disclose aggregated or de-identified information, for research purposes, or to discuss trends or statistics with third-parties.


Cookies are small bits of text sent by our servers to your computer or device when you access our services. They are stored in your browser and later sent back to our servers so that we can provide contextual content. Without cookies, using the web would be a much more frustrating experience. We use them to support your activities on our website, for example your session (so you don't have to login again) or your shopping cart.

Cookies are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current activity on our website (the pages you have visited), your language and country, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

We also use third-party services such as Google Analytics, who set and use their own cookies to identify visitors and provide their own contextual services. For more information regarding those third-party providers and their Cookie Policy, please see the relevant references in the Third-Party Service Providers section.

Here is an overview of the cookies that may be stored on your device when you visit our website:

Category of Cookie Purpose Cookies
Session & Security Authenticate users, protect user data and allow the website to deliver the services users expect, such as maintaining the content of their cart, or allowing file uploads.

The website will not work properly if you reject or discard those cookies.
session_id (Odoo)
td_id (Odoo)
fileToken (Odoo)
__cfduid (CloudFlare)
Preferences Remember information about the preferred look or behavior of the website, such as your preferred language, region and timezone. Your experience may be degraded if you discard those cookies, but the website will still work. frontend_lang (Odoo)
cids (Odoo)
odoo_no_push (Odoo)
tz (Odoo)
Interaction History Used to collect information about your interactions with the website, the pages you've seen, and any specific marketing campaign that brought you to the website. We may not be able to provide the best service to you if you reject those cookies, but the website will work. im_livechat_history (Odoo)
im_livechat_previous_operator_pid (Odoo)
utm_campaign (Odoo)
utm_source (Odoo)
utm_medium (Odoo)
fs_uid (FullStory)
Advertising & Marketing Used to make advertising more engaging to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers, such as providing more relevant ads when you visit other websites that display ads or to improve reporting on ad campaign performance.

Note that some third-party services may install additional cookies on your browser in order identify you.

You may opt out of a third-party's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. Web sitesi, bu çerezleri reddetmeniz veya görmezden gelmeniz durumunda dahi çalışacaktır.
__gads (Google)
__gac (Google)
_fbp (Facebook)
Analiz Understand how visitors engage with our website, via Google Analytics. Learn more about Analytics cookies and privacy information.

The website will still work if you reject or discard those cookies.
_ga (Google)
_gat (Google)
_gid (Google)
_gac_* (Google)

You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. Each browser is a little different, so look at your browser's Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies, or look at the links below.

We do not currently support Do Not Track signals, as there is no industry standard for compliance.

Policy Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, in order to clarify it, to reflect any changes to our website, or to comply with legal obligations. The "Last Updated" mention at the top of the policy indicates the last revision, which is also the effective date of those changes. We give you access to archived versions of this policy, so you can review the changes.

Contacting Us

If you have are any question regarding this Privacy Policy, or any enquiry about your personal data,please reach out to the Odoo Yardım Masası or contact us via email at or by post:

Odoo S.A. - Data Protection
Chaussée de Namur, 40
1367 Grand Rosière

VAT: BE0477472701