Verze 18
Released October, 2024
Verze 17
Released November, 2022
Verze 16
Released October 12, 2022
What's new
On average, every page in the backend is 3.7 times faster to load and render. Website and eCommerce are 2.7 times faster to load controllers. Spreadsheet-based reports replace the various dashboard views/actions. Create custom 'Property' fields on your tickets, leads, tasks, and articles.
Účetnictví - Lokalizace
Added localization for: Bulgaria, Kenya, Pakistan, and Serbia. Improved localization for: Belgium, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United States of America. Updated localization for: Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Indonesia, Mongolia, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Taiwan, and Turkey.
Upload multiple pictures of a product in bulk; display them in a grid or carousel. Prevent visitors from adding some products to their carts (catalogue mode). Customers can be notified when a product is back in stock. If using Google Places API: provide address autocomplete and validation during the eCommerce checkout.
Manage your company knowledge with a dedicated app.
Uploaded invoices and expenses are validated in the background by the OCR to make the interface more responsive. The manual field matching interface on invoices was improved. Activate the digitization of vendor bills and customer invoices separately. Enhanced the partner detection on Invoices using bank account numbers and partner auto-complete information.
Manage documents directly from tasks with the 'Documents' smart button. The Project Updates' side panel was revamped to better track the profitability of projects, providing an overview of costs, revenues, margin, and budget. Deliver services automatically or manually by linking them to project milestones with the right invoicing policy.
Send signatures requests in a specific order, ensuring signatories only get notified when it is their turn to sign the document. Access documents waiting for your signature and documents you sent out more easily with new menu entries. Improved document sharing behavior.
Create 'Stress days' where employees cannot ask for leaves. From the dashboard, view the Validity Date of your available leave allocations. Users can delete their own approved and refused time off, provided they didn't start yet.
Added a new analytic widget on invoices to ease analytic distribution, analytic plans, and analytic distribution models. Improved the bank reconciliation widget's navigation, interface, and readability. Updated the navigation throughout the Accounting app to avoid technical views and allow for an easier transition between different screens.
Čárové kódy
Definujte pro každý typ operace, co je potřeba skenovat a co ne: zdrojová lokalita, produkt, sériová čísla, balení, cílová lokalita. Sériová čísla a šarže jsou nyní ve výchozím nastavení sbalené; zlepšilo se jejich rolování, když jsou rozbalená; zobrazte datum expirace. Zobrazte referenci dodavatele na přijatých dokladech.
At the level of Operation Types, decide how to automate the creation of batches, either per contact, carrier, or destination country. Automate replenishment on specific locations by setting them as Replenishment Locations. Revamped all reporting; move easily from one report to another; reworked menus.
Create operation dependencies on the BOM that dynamically influence both the planning and status of work orders. Complete redesign of the work order Tablet view; four different types of BOM Improvement Feedbacks are now available from the Action menu; employees can log in to work centers and work orders, individually or simultaneously.
Online Appointments
The Appointments web page was revamped. Appointment types created from the website are automatically published and work out-of-the-box thanks to default reminders and schedules.
Set skills on an applicant; they will be transferred to the employee if created. CVs can be digitized to automatically extract the following information: name, email, and phone. Access CV previews directly in the app. Send documents to sign to applicants.
The Spreadsheet library has been open sourced in LGPL. Convert an uploaded XLSX file to Odoo Spreadsheet for edition. See records on list() function. Added a new set of functions to get accounting measures (e.g., balance, credit, and debit).
Webové stránky
Jedním kliknutím získáte přístup k zobrazení produktů, událostí a schůzek v zázemí pomocí nového tlačítka. Pomocí nové kategorie tvarů obrázků nazvané „Zařízení“ můžete vytvořit obrázky, které budou vypadat jako v zařízení (telefon, tablet, počítač). Povolte režim mřížky na stavebním bloku a získejte plnou kontrolu nad jeho prvky.
Verze 15
Released October 3, 2021
What's new
Prevent errors with a "To check" button on entries. Get currency symbol on documents and manage exchange rate easily. Manage foreign VAT. Get payment tolerance mechanism to automaticaly reconcile or partially reconcile payment and invoice. Carry over taxes amount from one period to an other.
Localisation done for Czech Republic, Slovakia. Taxes management improved for Netherlands and Germany. Voucher added for China. DDT and taxes management for Italy. US get 1099 reporting easier. EDI integration for Peru. EHF3 supported for Norway.
Share your schedule or an appointment type to schedule a new meeting. Get leads from appointment. Improvement in recurring event synchronization. Get notify when a new appointment is created.
Lidské zdroje
Appraisal: access rights reviewed, integrated with survey. Approvals: define if the approvers is mandatory or not. Atetdnace: manage extra hours. Customize employee's departure reasons. Ease configuration of employee schedule and part time. Accrual Time Off management.
Čárové kódy
Manage batches with suggestion, at the opening of receipt/delivery. Edit quantity and packaging. GS1-128 Parser. Define package type with scanners. See location of a product with the barcode scanner.
Smart lead assignation. Spot duplicate of opportunities. Centralize infotaion thanks to outlook or gemail connectors. Forecast sales on opportunities
Edit or delete messages. Video or audio calls integrated. invitation meeeting. Add emoticon as rectaion to a message. Get members of a group at a glance.
Auto save and edit by clicking on a field. CTRL-k command to perfomr actions like chat or get a menu. Improvement in import wizards.
Read only mode in spreasheets. LSX export. More options in formating or cells formula
Mollie as new payment service provider. In stripe possibility to tokenize user cards using a redirect. Adyen: refund managermnt. support ach payment.
Point of Sales
Assign several responsible to a task. Manage task dependanceies. Share the kanban list view of projects with portal users. Get an order upsell activity when a prepaid service is close to being fully consumed.
Webové stránky
Smart website configurator. Animated shapes to give even more life to the website. All themes have a new, more modern look.
Jinja to Qweb in emails. Schedule emails from a calendar view. Get a new editor to buil the email. A/B testing. Feedback sent to the responsible 24h after a sms sending. Youtube and instagram added in social marketing.
Cyclical inventory by location. Count anything, anytime, without inventory adjustment. Select several ready moves of a given picking type and group them in a new batch. Reserve, unreserve, and change priorities directly in the forecast report. Define putaway rules for package types.
Set an analytical account on Manufacturing Orders and track costs of production in real-time. Work order status related to material availability. MPS: Row options to consider demand last year and the year before. Cost management by products.
Assign several responsible to a task. Manage task dependanceies. Share the kanban list view of projects with portal users. Get an order upsell activity when a prepaid service is close to being fully consumed.
Verze 14
Released October 3, 2020
What's new
Automatic Entries
Apply Automatic Transfers to specific partners; making inter-company transactions easier; one wizard for both, accrual and transfer preview entries in the wizard.
Improved batch payments error reporting. Batch Payments are now compatible with SEPA Credit Transfers.
Handle recurring revenues and manage renewal intervals, via used-definable plans.
Manage documents through the list view as you would in the kanban view (download, drag and drop, ...).
Choose between six templates for your certification, so your students can share them on social media.
24 hodin po spuštění kampaně je uživateli, který je za ni zodpovědný, zaslána rekapitulace se sdílením prvních výsledků.
Salary Configurator
Make the "Customize Your Salary" configurator available in additional countries.
Unification of the form views of Project tasks and Field Service tasks to ensure a smoother workflow.
Zpětná vazba
Sync product description changes from Sales Order to Manufacturing and/or Purchase Orders.
MTO route replaced by a more flexible approach based on automated replenishment.
Warning when trying to invoice without "invoiceable lines" - suggesting a configuration change.
Automatically weigh delivery packages when connected to a scale.
Collaborative Pads
Display collaborative rich text pads in the portal to further collaborate with your customers.
Flexible Consumption
Increase the scope of flexible consumption, allowing to update confirmed MOs and consume components, which weren't part of the initial BOM.
Combine Routings and Bills of Materials. Operations are now listed in a new tab of the BOM.
Phone numbers can now be modified on the fly when sending an SMS.
Exceptional Pay
Manage which "other inputs" are available on a payslip by defining which structure types can use them.
Define several default roles on your employees to get relevant shift templates and to send them the right open shifts.
Cash Rounding
Set a cash rounding in the PoS in the same way that accounting cash rounding works.
Many2many List
A user is now able to edit a many2many list field related to a model he only has read access to.
The Anchor system has been reviewed. Anchors are generated automatically based on the first title within a section, or the snippet name, as applicable.
Přívětivé pro mobily
The visibility of columns can now be toggled on mobile devices.
Use keyboard shortcuts and discover the full screen mode for an immersive experience in your website builder.
Change job position, stages, medium, priority, and responsibility in the list view. Create reports on reasons why applicants weren't hired.
Analytical Accounting
Track any kind of revenue linked to the analytic account of your project.
Verze 13
Released October 3, 2019
What's new
Demo Data
Added demo data in some applications to ease the testing experience.
Speed up the installation process (chart of accounts and languages).
List of records can now be accessed from most pivot views. Filter data on last 5 years; group by more than 2 group by.
New activity view
Snailmail (IAP)
Improved usability and error management when sending letters through snailmail.
New Gantt view with Drag & Drop, resizing and records creation with easy clicks.
Přístupová práva
Groups have been renamed to be more business-oriented. Administrator instead of manager and reorganization by application.
Časová zóna
Warn the user when his timezone is not set.
Sequences can be reordered from the kanban view.
Date Filters
New date filters (by month, quarter, year).
Allow the user to interact with documents across multiple companies at once. Share product by or not by adding a company on it
Maps view
Display records and routing on maps.
Custom Lists
Each user can add or hide some columns in list views, in order to tailor the screen to their activity with just the needed fields.
Improved error management on import.
Translate directly from the form view with the new translation modal. The new language code, replacing the globe, helps you know the language you are working with. Preview of mail in different language
The user interface of the calendar view was completely redesigned with some small new features such as the possibility to answer to an event directly from the event popup.
Customize the style (colors, font) of your documents.
Search Panel
Search panel now available from any multi-record view.
New ribbons for form views.
Column Resizing
Columns of editable lists resized to improve comfort.
Signature Widget
New signature widget to request signed confirmation in any process.
Quick export on list to export easily what you see on the screen in a spreadsheet
Allow drag & drop on extra product media to sequence them.
Verze 12
Released October 4, 2018
What's new
Cohort View
New cohort view to analyze retention or churn rates over time.
Dynamické dashboardy s UX inspirované službou Google Analytics. Dashboardy mohou obsahovat libovolné grafy, kohorty nebo klíčové ukazatele výkonnosti.
Configuration Bar
New configuration bar in Sales, eCommerce, Invoicing & Accounting to help users configure the system.
Support for recurring activities, email templates, and a new view to check all activities at a glance.
Lots of usability and speed improvements including a new interface to import files and import templates. The system learns data mapping to auto-detect columns, and detects data formatting (e.g. dates, floats).
Email Digest
Get KPIs sent by email periodically according to your preferences: new leads, opportunities won, revenues, & cash, tickets closed, open tasks, etc.
Email Template
Harmonize UI and improve the content of default email templates.
Full Keyboard Support
Press Alt to highlight shortcuts and navigate with the keyboard in forms, list and kanban views.
Date Filters
Snadné filtrování dat (dnes, minulý týden, toto čtvrtletí...) včetně flexibilního seskupování dat podle data (podle dnů, týdnů, měsíců...).
Sharing Links
Easily share access to documents, or the customer portal.
Přístupová práva
A user is either a portal user, a public user or an employee with system access.
Support for languages that read right to left such as Arabic.
Demo Data
Demo data has been improved, based on an office furniture business.
Select the first day of the week.
Quick Create
In kanban views, the quick create has been improved to display more fields in the card. (no popup anymore)
Verze 11
Released October 5, 2017
What's new
Performance Optimization
Backend operations are between 2x and 3x faster. All frontend views have been redeveloped from scratch to speed up load times and reduce flickering.
Nový design
Nový design s živějším barevným schématem, optimalizovaný pro všechny velikosti obrazovek a zařízení.
Improved Settings
Global search across all settings, improved design, and the ability to switch from the settings of one app to another.
Report Templates
Configurable and beautiful templates for your report, customization through studio, better file naming of PDFs.
Kanban Headers
Progress bar on kanban headers, clean animations, ability to filter on the progress bar with a simple click.
Schedule next activities and get clean notifications. Activities are integrated with VoIP, calendar, and notes.
New Widgets
Domain selector, fields selector, placeholder generator for email templates, advanced address blocks.
Menus and Dashboards
New dashboard for project and website. Split of sales and CRM. Catalog menus in business applications.
Improved push notification mechanism, great feedback and rewards are now delivered with a rainbow animation.
Images and PDF preview in messages. Click to preview and navigate through these documents.
Mobile Discuss
The discuss application has been reworked for a better user interface on Android and iOS mobile interfaces.
Burger menu and account menu better adapted to mobile.
Mobile UI
Improved navigation in Kanban views, improved burger menu and user preferences menu.
Verze 10
Released October 6, 2016
What's new
New Android Mobile App
New native app for phones featuring faster load times, native notifications, account management, and native widgets for date, time, email, phone, and relational fields.
Onboarding Tips
New onboarding tips showing a tour of tool-tips to help new users get started with Odoo.
Quick Creation
New mechanism to quickly create new records without leaving the kanban view. for CRM, Projects and Recruitment.
Přístupová práva
Human Resources access rights have been split by apps: Recruitments, Timesheet, Appraisals, Leaves, Expenses.
New configuration planner for eCommerce. Existing planners have been improved too. Planners completion are now per company.
Keyboard navigation
New shortcuts and quick menu access / search feature.
Translations evolution
When updating a field that is translated in several languages, an alert warns the user to update translations.
Simplified configuration
Settings on the company form have been moved to the Configuration menu of the related app.
File Import
Improved import tool: auto-detect date locale and float formats, filter proposed fields based on values.
Více společností
Snadnější konfigurace prostředí pro více společností a přístupových práv. Nový přepínač společností na horním panelu.
Developer mode
Improved developer mode with more features. Accessible from the Settings app.
Verze 9
Released October 1, 2015
What's new
Simply beautiful
Based on Material Design. Simple, clear, and great to work with.
Data loading is fast. Instantaneous apps switcher.
Simple filters & groups
Predefined filters allowing to view most useful data in one click.
Jednoduchá navigace
Rearranged menus to bring what you need closer to your fingers.
Fully mobile
The design will automatically and rightly adjust menu, lists, forms & fields to the size of the PC, tablet or mobile phone.